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A. Short answer No. The best before or expiry date on a honey package is a legal requirement. In Australia, consumer law requires honey to have a best before date having said this if honey is stored in airtight foodgrade container it can last indefinitely. That is why the honey found in the pyramids was still edible!

A. Pasteurised products such as milk go through a heating process whereby the product is held at a relatively high temperature for a set period of time. This kills common bacteria. Since honey is naturally antibacterial due to its pH, it does not require pasteurisation. Our honey is classified as unpasteurized unless our customer specifically requests pasteurisation.

A. It is recommended that you avoid giving honey to infants under 12 months of age because a risk of contracting infant botulism does exist. It happens when a child ingests Clostridium botulinum bacteria or spores, which are found in dirt and dust and can contaminate honey. However, older children and adults are not affected by them because their gut has developed sufficiently. It is best to seek a physician’s advice if you have any concerns.

A. Candying or crystallisation is natural in honey. The natural sugars in honey can form a structural lattice, which changes the liquid to a semi-solid state. However, if your honey does go lumpy it does not mean that it is going bad or that it is of poor quality. If you want to reverse the candying process, place the honey pack in hot water for a while or allow it to spend a day in the sunshine or a very warm spot.

A. We work hard to keep Aussie Qbee Honey a natural product and it has all the qualities of something that occurs without human intervention. It is individualistic in flavour, colour and thickness. It depends on the type of tree the bees gather the nectar from. Every different species of tree will produce nectar with different characteristics to another species